
Calorie counter, macros and food tracker

ultimate assistant for diet, and nutrition!

Ready to make every meal count?

Track your daily calories effortlessly
monitor macros seamlessly
explore meal ideas for your goals
Let NutriWinner be your guide! Download now and take the first step towards a life of vitality and wellness!

Nutri Winner Lite


+ Daily Calories, water intake and costs settings
+ Days & Meals tracking​​
+ Proteins, Fats & Carbs tracking​​
+ Calories, Fibers & Water tracking​​
+ Cost tracking​​
+ Recipes and Foods addition​​
+ Water tracking​​
+ Base: 500+ Foods​​

Nutri Winner


+ Macros preferences settings from 6 predefined diets or creating your own
+ Daily Calories, water intake and costs settings
+ Days & Meals tracking​​
+ Proteins, Fats & Carbs tracking​​
+ Calories, Fibers & Water tracking​​
+ Cost tracking​​
+ Recipes and Foods addition​​
+ Water tracking​​
+ Base: 500+ Foods​​

Key features:

Effortless Daily Monitoring: Stay on top of your calorie intake effortlessly, gaining better awareness of your dietary habits and progress.
Inspiring Meal Plans: Discover new and exciting meal options tailored to your calorie goals, making healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable.
Customizing Your Daily Preferences: Personalize your calorie tracking journey to match your unique dietary needs and preferences, ensuring a more accurate and tailored approach to your nutrition goals.
Flexible Unit Selection (kg or ounces): Easily customize your unit preferences, choosing between kilograms or ounces to match your preferred measurement system and streamline your tracking experience.
Quick Meal Entry: Save time and effort while accurately logging your meals, making it easier to stay consistent with your calorie tracking routine.
Seamless Daily Meal Log: Easily review your daily food intake at a glance, promoting accountability and awareness of your eating habits throughout the day.
Overview of Your Days: Monitor your overall dietary patterns and progress over time, helping you identify trends and make informed adjustments to your eating habits for better long-term results.
Easy Management: Maintain accuracy and flexibility in your meal tracking, allowing real-time adjustments to your food log for optimal adherence to your calorie goals. Start your NutriWinner journey now!

Privacy Assurance:

We prioritize your privacy. We assure you that we neither collect nor share any personal data. Your activities are not tracked, and your device's camera or microphone is not accessed. We do not employ third-party services that gather user data. Policy updates may occur, so check periodically. Your privacy is paramount.

App Support:

The app provides general information on common diets and ood macronutrients. It is not a substitute for professional dietary advice. For personalized guidance, consult professionals. Please check your food labels as nutrients may vary. Users are responsible for their health decisions.